Ncauses and effects of soil erosion pdf

Definitions, types, causes and consequences of soil erosion. Soil erosion is a major land degradation problem in south africa sa that has economic, social and environmental implications due to both onsite and offsite effects. When top soil is gone, erosion can cause rills and gullies that make the cultivation of paddocks impossible. The presence of organic matter in the soil is vital for good water retention and growth of flora. An offsite effect of downstream movement of sediment, causing. Soil erosion is a natural process that is enhanced by human activity richter, 1998 and occurs in all landscapes and under different land uses. Soil erosion can also lead to mudslides and floods, negatively affecting the structural integrity of buildings and roadways. An assessment of the economic costs of soil erosion 15. A case study in the denku microwatershed oromia region, submitted for the masters degree in human ecology to the college of agriculture and environmental sciences.

Dr david favismortlock, april 2017 the soil erosion site. Soil erosion is the loss of soil from land due to the effects of wind and water currents. In the soil erosion, uppermost fertile layer of soil which contains essential nutrients is lost. Vegeta tion can regenerate from a degraded state as long as the seed stock remains viable and there is soil for seeds to germinate and grow in. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a fields topsoil by the natural physical forces of water and. The process of erosion usually takes place on the surface of soil, rock, or dissolved material from one location on the earths crust and with the help of the wind or water flow, it gets to settle down at another location. Tillage erosion causes the thinning of soils on upper slope areas and can result in. The soil erosion site the processes of soil erosion.

Water erosion results from the removal of soil material by flowing water. Soil erosion can be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed or can occur at an alarming rate, causing serious loss of topsoil. Soil erosion is simply the gnawing away of soil by water or wind. Whether caused by wind or water, erosion leads to the displacement of soil, rocks, plants and seeds. Soil erosion is the physical wearing of the earths surface by the action of water or wind. The causes of soil erosion and diffuse pollution more broadly are complex and require a. Soil erosion, especially in agricultural systems, affects everyone throughout the world. Effects of soil erosion on soil properties as related to crop productivity and classification.

Soil erosion and the effects of soil erosion on crop productivity have become emotional issues and have attracted the attention of agriculturists, environmentalists, and the public in general. Humans can also cause erosion or increase the rate of erosion through various activities. It hurts the land and people where it takes place, so also the land and people where it gets deposited. The problem may become so severe that the land can no longer be cultivated and must be abandoned. Soil pollution types, effects, sources and control of. Soil erosion soil mixture of minerals, organic material, living organisms, air, and water. Research progress on the effects of soil erosion on vegetation. Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. Although soil erosion is a natural occurrence on all land, there are certain factors that call accelerate erosion making it more noticeable and problematic. Soil erosion is a naturally occurring and slow process that refers to loss of fields top soil by water and wind or through conversion of natural vegetation to. Isbn 9789533074351, pdf isbn 9789535149163, published 20111021.

Soil deterioration and low water quality due to erosion and surface runoff have become severe problems worldwide. Soil erosion is the weathering away of topsoil caused by water, wind or tillage. Frost loosened soil is more susceptible to erosion by rain and snowmelt eroded soil can become saturated with spring breakup resulting in mass movement. Causes and efforts to control soil erosion in africa. A by the national soil erosion soil productivity research planning committee, science and education administration ag ricu i t ural research ccurate estimates of future soil a productivity are essential to make agricultural policy decisions and to plan the use of land from the field scale to. But did you know that soil erosion also can seriously impair crop productivity. Soil erosion is a major environmental issue because it can lead to water pollution. Soil erosion is the major cause of soil degradation. Soil degradation a major threat to humanity summary soil degradation needs to be recognised, alongside climate change, as one of the most pressing problems facing humanity.

The effects of erosion are varied, but the most obvious effect is the removal and destruction of land. Soil erosion reduces cropland productivity and contributes to the pollution of adjacent watercourses, wetlands and lakes. Effects of soil erosion on soil properties as related to. The process can occur naturally over a long period of time, or it can occur quickly with unusual weather events or excessive vegetation removal. A food and environmental threat david pimentel1 1college of agriculture and life sciences, cornell university, 5126 comstock hall, ithaca, new york, 148530901. The major objective of studying this lesson is to understand the. Value 1 this form of erosion is no longer visible after cultivation ploughing, hoeing etc. Deforestation or destruction of forests accompanied by reduced frequency of rainfall leads to soil erosion. Man can also cause soil erosion by such practices as tilling a farmers field or the clearing of vegetation. Component % organic mineral matter 45 organic matter 05 soil water 25 soil air 25.

Read this article to learn about the meaning, factors, effects, types, causes and prevention of soil erosion. I hereby declare that the dissertation, soil erosion, deforestation and rural livelihoods in the central rift valley area of ethiopia. Causes and impacts of land degradation and desertification. Causes of soil erosion water and wind erosion causes. The greatest challenge for sustainable soil management. Dregne soil erosion is the main reason why desertification is irreversible. Soil erosion is the detachment and movement of soil material. I wondered if you could tell me the main causes of soil erosion and the effects. Soil erosion causes and their effects erosion pollution. Most agriculture activities, especially on sloping landscapes, increase the potential for soil erosion. Removal of vegetation cover, which binds the soil together, causes more soil available for surface runoff. As a member, youll also get unlimited access to over 79,000 lessons in math, english, science, history, and more.

T value tolerable erosion equilibrium between soil gains and losses. There are multiple causes and effects of erosion and solutions often involve conserving natural areas. These impacts include compaction, loss of soil structure, nutrient degradation, and soil salinity. Readers should send their comments on this paper to. Solutions need to be developed and introduced which address both issues simultaneously. The science paper comes as many scientists worry that soil protection targets in the draft sdgs may be removed from the final list of goals.

It is the fairly uniform removal of soil in thin layers from the land surface, often. As a matter of fact water is the biggest cause of soil erosion. Soil degradation is a global environmental problem which started since the innovation of agriculture by human kind. Below are some of the major effects of soil erosion on the soil. Wind causes erosion of rock particles driven by soil and sand particles that are not tightly glued together and not insulated by vegetation. It has been occurring for some 450 million years, since the first land plants formed the first soil. Causes, effects, and solutions of soil erosion conserve. Soil erosion is a process that involves the wearing away of the topsoil. Soil erosion is the main reason why desertification is irreversible. But accelerated soil erosion loss of soil at a much faster rate than it is formed is a far more recent occurrence. Effects of soil erosion on soil properties as related to crop productivity and classification w.

An onsite loss of agricultural potential an offsite effect of downstream movement of sediment, causing flooding and the silting up of reservoirs. Conversion of the natural ecosystem to pastures does not cause. When soil erosion is severe, soil erodes faster than it can be renewed. Now was the time to help student express their thinking about soil erosion. It is the fairly uniform removal of soil in thin layers from the land surface, often scarcely perceptible, especially when caused by wind. The roots of trees and other plants hold the topsoil in place. Erosion can occur naturally by wind, water, and gravity. This is particularly true for places with the highest risk of erosion, such as watersheds in indonesia, india, the philippines and more. Soil erosion contributes to pollution in adjacent water sources and reduces cropland productivity.

Soil erosion is the movement of soil from one place to another and may be caused by wind, water or human activities. Soil erosion occurs when soil is removed through the action of wind and water at a greater rate than it is formed soil the soil covering the surface of the earth has taken millions of years to form and we must learn to respect it. The degradation and loss of soil around the world soil erosion is caused by the overuse of land, deforestation, desertification and water runoff all of which are, to some extent, caused by farming. Are geotextiles the only product that can help with this type of erosion. The causes and effects of soil erosion from agriculture 7 3. Let us have a detailed look at the causes, effects and prevention of soil erosion.

In this lesson, you will learn about the specific effects of soil erosion and measures that can be taken to prevent it. Causes and effects of desertification on people and the environment sara popescu slavikova soil degradation april 29, 2019 the word desertification may seem like a word depicting a very distant and abstract environmental problem that most of. Moving water and raindrops also cause soil erosion. One third of the worlds agricultural soils, or roughly 2 billion hectares of land, was reported as being affected by soil. Pesticides and other chemicals can get trapped in soil, polluting streams and rivers as the soil breaks apart.

In this study, the diverse factors that cause soil erosion are evaluated. Overall, background erosion removes soil at roughly the same rate as soil is formed. So, prior to the lesson below, students already had some exposure to cause and effect and worked with a piece of text about soil erosion. Water and wind are the two main mechanisms by which soil is eroded and transported. This factsheet looks at the causes and effects of water, wind and tillage erosion on agricultural land. Nearly 10 million hectares of arable land are lost to erosion and other forms of soil degradation every year 1 countries all over the world are battling with worrisome sight of deepening gullies crisscrossing the landscape and barren fields stripped of the fertile topsoil. The process involves the loosening of the soil particles, blowing or washing away of the soil particles, and either ends up in the valley and faraway lands or washed away to the oceans by rivers and streams. Effects of soil erosion on soil properties as related to crop. Major crops that cause soil erosion include coffee, cotton, tea, tobacco, palm oil, soybean and wheat that can increase soil erosion beyond the soil s ability to maintain itself.

Soil erosion has significant social, economic and environment impacts. Soil erosion is the process that erodes, breaks or gradually diminishes things down. Geological soil erosion happens at the same rate as soil is formed. Soil erosion removes valuable top soil which is the most productive part of the soil profile for agricultural purposes. The carrying away of dry soil and loose sand particles is known as deflation. Overgrazing and poor farming techniques can also lead to soil erosion, but it is important to remember that not all causes are human. More land is cleared and less left fallow, which can deplete the soil and increase water runoff. Soil erosion causes causes of soil erosion and geotextiles for erosion control. Vegetation can regenerate from a degraded state as long as the seed stock remains viable and there is soil for seeds to germinate and grow in.

Soil erosion is a continuous process that occurs either slowly or at an alarming rate. In addition to erosion, soil quality is affected by other aspects of agriculture. For most areas of iowa, the loss of 1 inch per acre of. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a fields topsoil by the natural physical. This natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of erosive agents, that is, water, ice glaciers, snow, air wind, plants, animals, and humans. While there are many different factors that can cause soil erosion, most can be broken down into two main categories. Soil is not immune to erosion, and like rocks along a coastline, soil can erode due to the effects of forces, such as water, wind and farming practices. Erosion preceded by the destruction of the crumb structure due to the impact of falling raindrop on the surface of soil is termed as splash erosion. It is a naturally occurring process soil always shifts from one location to another and, under normal conditions, this shifting takes place in a slow and gradual manner. The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land. Sheet erosion soil erosion is characterised by the downslope removal of soil particles within a thin sheet of water. Soil erosion is the most serious precursor of soil degradation that comes with global implications. Soil erosion of these types mainly takes place by two methods. Deforestation can increase erosion rates due to exposure of mineral soil and removal of humus and litter layers.

Soil erosion is the displacement of the upper layer of soil, it is one form of soil degradation. Due to formation of gullies and ravines, valuable agricultural lands are lost. It results in a continuous loss of topsoil, ecological degradation, soil collapse, etc. Large quantities of valuable soil are eroded by flowing water and moving wind. The relationship between vegetation and soil erosion deserves attention due to its scientific importance and practical applications. Thus soil becomes deficient in essential minerals and this results in productivity loss. According to the iowa state university extension, soil erosion results in a lessened soil water capacity, as well as loss of nutrients and carbon, which all have negative effects on crop productivity. Soil pollution types, effects, sources and control of soil pollution soil pollution soil pollution is defined as, contamination of soil by human and natural activities which may cause harmful effect on living organisms. The extent of damage associated with soil erosion is analyzed, with emphasis on the impact these may have on future human food security as well as the natural environment. While there are many different factors that can cause soil erosion. Causes of soil erosion soil erosion occurs when natural forces, such as wind. Soil erosion can be defined as removal of top layer by natural agents like sun, wind, water and by man. The top soil is lost by erosion which is the most fertile section, having evolved over centuries of soil forming processes. In spite of heavy investments in research and development, the global rates of accelerated erosion are now presumbly higher than ever before.

The causes of soil erosion have been intensively discussed during the past 40 years. The action of wind continues until that time when the power and momentum. When the layer of topsoil is removed, ground becomes unproductive and crops decrease. In addition to reduced future farm productivity, soil entering freshwater ecosystems can. Soil erosion may threaten global food security scidev.

A moving mass of water will quickly wear away topsoil as it moves over a piece of land. Pdf soil is the most fundamental and basic natural resource for all life to survive. Impact on soil functions production, protection, etc, fertility. Soil erosion has a role in land development, but accelerated soil erosion as a result of things like clearing, inappropriate cultivation earthworks and wildfire will damage soil, land and environmental assets. The loss of this top soil results in lower yields and higher production costs. Water erosion water erosion causes two sets of problems. Sep 21, 2017 soil erosion is the process where wind, water and human beings detach soil particles and deposit them somewhere else. The offsite impacts of eroded soil and runoff, primarily eutrophication of water bodies, sedimentation of gravelbedded rivers, loss of reservoir. Soil erosion is a gradual process that occurs when the impact of water or wind detaches and removes soil particles, causing the soil to deteriorate. The causes and effects of soil erosion, and how to prevent.

Since rapid soil erosion results in a loss of topsoil, it can have a detrimental effect on plants. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. Conversion of the natural ecosystem to pastures does not cause any damage to the land initially. The term soil erosion covers a wide range of physical and chemical actions, such as removal of soluble matters, chemical changes, disintegration by frost or by rapid changes of temperature, attrition by dust charged wind, scouring by silt laden currents, alternate impact and succession by storm waves, landslides and so on fox 1950. Water and wind erosion are two main agents that degrade. Sheet erosion soil erosion is characterised by the downslope removal of soil particles within a. Causes, effects and types of erosion water, wind, glacier. The upper soil horizons are clearly visible in this soil pit. A great deal of information is available about the mechanisms and benefits of vegetation in the control of soil erosion, but the effects of soil erosion on vegetation development and succession is poorly documented. Causes, effects, and solutions of soil erosion conserve energy. Break up of soil clodsaggregates and dispersion of soil particles by the kinetic.